

Organizing Committee

Géza Németh
BME TMIT, Hungary

Junichi Yamagishi
National Institute of Informatics Japan,
University of Edinburgh, UK

Sébastien Le Maguer
ADAPT Centre/TCD, Ireland

Esther Klabbers
Readspeaker, Netherlands

Mátyás Bartalis
BME TMIT, Hungary

Tamás Gábor Csapó
BME TMIT, Hungary

Bálint Gyires-Tóth
BME TMIT, Hungary
Gábor Olaszy
BME TMIT, Hungary

Csaba Zainkó
BME TMIT, Hungary



Scientific Committee

Nagaraj Adiga University of Crete
Gerard Bailly GIPSA-Lab
Pallavi Baljekar Google
Timo Baumann University of Hamburg
Antonio Bonafonte Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Joao Cabral Trinity College Dublin
Robert Clark Google
Erica Cooper National Institute of Informatics
Tamás Gabor Csapo Budapest University of Technology and Economic
Daniel Erro Cirrus Logic
Raul Fernandez IBM
Philip N. Garner Idiap Research Institute
Balint Gyires-Toth Budapest University of Technology and Economic
Qiong Hu Google
Esther Klabbers ReadSpeaker
Zhen-Hua Ling University of Science and Technology of China
Sébastien Le Maguer Trinity College Dublin / Adapt Centre
Jindrich Matousek University of West Bohemia
Thomas Merritt Amazon
Bernd Möbius Saarland University
Eva Navas University of the Basque Country
Géza Németh Budapest University of Technology and Economic
Yamato Ohtani AI Inc.,
Michael Pucher Acoustics Research Institute
Francesc Alias Pujol La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull
Tuomo Raitio Apple Inc
Manuel Sam Ribeiro The University of Edinburgh
Andrew Rosenberg Google
Adriana Stan Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Eva Szekely KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Tomoki Toda Nagoya University
Markus Toman Neuratec
Jaime Lorenzo Trueba Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Pirros Tsiakoulis Samsung Electronics
Junichi Yamagishi The University of Edinburgh
Csaba Zainkó Budapest University of Technology and Economic
Heiga Zen Google


Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors


